Dear Trouble: Help! My dog just ran away, what should I do?
Dear: "Help! My dog just ran away, what should I do?":
I presume you already ran after him, called his name, biked all over the neighborhood asking if anyone saw him, but he's gone and you don't know where he went even though you looked everywhere. You're filled with terror and don't know what to do next.
Here's what you should do:
1. Get on-line ASAP. There’s a very good chance someone helpful picked up your dog and took him home, and is now checking to see if anyone is looking for him.
Go on these sites right away:
And see if anyone posted about seeing or finding your missing dog. Report your animal as missing on all of these sites. If someone found or even just saw your pup, they’ll reach out to you. You should also keep checking if anyone posted about finding him.
2. Set up Facebook and Instagram pages for your missing dog, and ask everyone to share. Tag your local dog walking companies asking for help (including us of course). We'll help spread the news. #Hashtag with phrases that are followed by many people in your neighborhood, such as #prospectpark #parkslope #dogsofbrooklyn #parkslopeparents etc.
3. Make a Missing Dog Flyer and put it up on street corners. This will take some time, so do the steps above first. Enlist help.
4. If the police or animal control pick up your dog in Brooklyn, they will bring it to the Animal Care Center at 2336 Linden Boulevard. You can call them at (212) 788-4000, but it's most effective to go there in person. That way you can also leave your flyer with them.
5.Call or visit your local dog shelters to see if anyone brought your dog there. If he's chipped they'll scan him but it might take a few days.
Sean Casey Rescue: (718) 436-5163
BARC Shelter: (718) 486-7489
6. Have someone on the lookout near your house, often dogs come back on their own.
Call us for help. Pray to the Dog Gods. Have Faith. Don't give up.
All the best,